The cyber security jobs market is growing, and the recent pandemic has widened the skills gap in this area. As outlined in our global cyber security report for 2023, 72% of employers believe that events in recent years have had a significant impact on their cyber risk profile. However, 90% claim that the skills gap is affecting their organisations’ ability to implement their...


Rapid technological advances are a sign of the times, but they’ve left many employers scrambling to deliver IT and business transformation even faster than ever before. It’s therefore no wonder that IT contractors are now viewed by employers as an ideal flexible resource to help them deliver projects and add technical skills in areas where a team is falling short.


The rise of generative AI, such as ChatGPT, has transformed the way we work and sparked a debate about whether robots could replace humans in our jobs. Read this article to explore the capabilities and limitations of generative AI, and how it can be used as a tool to help with repetitive or template tasks in various industries, from copywriting to software development. Make generative AI become...


Research conducted by the company behind ChatGPT, Open AI, concluded that 80% of workers in the US could see at least 10% of their work automated in the near future. Similarly, a report published by Goldman Sachs in late March 2023 predicted that 300 million jobs worldwide will be affected by generative AI. The report also noted that, while some job losses would be inevitable, adopting AI...


Show (MyWorld) is Hays’s first interactive quiz that gives technology professionals and organisations a platform to share their personal views on technology industry related topics. From the growing need for work-life balance, to compensation, and even the importance of company culture, Show (MyWorld) sheds light on real sentiments of the technology community of today.  In this...